Message about nothing*

So a buddy sent this:

I read it and responded thus:


I started reading Venus and Adonis, also, got 1/2 done, gave up, but it is funny.

I took 4 semesters of Shakie in college; in one class met and feel in love with a black girl – Millicent J. – from the South Side and had a relationship with her for about a year, even went to her home and partied with her friends – I recall hearing “The Message” and “White Lines” before anyone else I knew ever spoke of rap or hip hop. Shakespearean lyrics there!

*”nothing”, BTW, = vagina, see:

A good ‘splainer of Analog vs. Digital

Q: A philosophical question: If you accept the premise that an audience at a gig can’t really tell the difference between a digital modeling amp and pedals, effects, and analog gear (whether the digital gear has gotten so good, or due to a lack of discerning ears), why even bother with analog gear anymore?
 Here’s why I would bother: I would not accept that premise. We can do a quick A/B test and we both might even say they sound the same. But in a live setting, a guitar player playing through pedals and a tube amp will have more “heft” and “weight” in a mix than any emulator I’ve heard over the last 30 years. I wonder if there’s both a content and a wavelength issue? Perhaps it’s because there’s richer harmonic content launching from speaker cabinets rumbling 10 to 15 feet behind an artist, reinforcing what the audience hears from the PA firing forward.

But here’s the more relevant issue: Does it matter to you? For me, there’s nothing quite like the dynamic response of good gear. Rolling back your guitar volume through pedals and amps running at high gain, where you can directly feel how your pressure on the strings will change the current that your magnets send to the speakers.… To be able to play lightly or dime that control and dig in can feel like having a superpower—like telekinesis, where I could gently turn the pages in a book across the room, or knock the walls down.