1. The Juice 02:52
2. El Lunes Mal 05:31
3. Pig 05:42

writrecordedmixtmas turdsequenced at Fetacentralrecordin g DDL by Vlayman in July-September, 2023.

Drums: gorgar
all else: Vlayman

Initial tracks recorded with Bloody Mary’s, coffee, and RC’s Peach Rings

mixt w/ blood orange bitters Manhattens and RC’s Peach Rings

Fartwerk: Jose Jones
Logo: grogar

Modify message

11780 (a 3p)

1. Calvinball 05:32
2. 11780 (my mushroom) 03:57
3. Cotton’s 05:33

WARNING: I()_&8-7&_)#!#%4*&^(^6!

writrecordedmixtmas turdsequenced at Fetacentralrecordin g DDL by Vlayman in July-September, 2023.

Drums: gorgar
all else: Vlayman

Fartwerk: Jose Jones
Logo: grogar

released September 17, 2023

mini-dirt 2

Forgot anuvver mini-dirt:

J. Rockett Touch – I really like this, tho’ haven’t compared it or used it with any other dirts except Green Russian, where it worked well after

mini-pedals review

Keeley 4 knob – nice compressor for guitar, loses some bottom w/ bass
Keeley Neutrino – may now be my board envelope filter (and I have two, paid $40 to get a FX one fixt)
Legato looper – very easy and handy
Mosky Vol Attenuator – for my HRDX FX loop
Tumnus – s’posedly a Klone – WTFDIK? – but it do sound good
Nobels ODR mini – nice drive, I am really liking this as always on to stack in front of other mini’s, like the Disnortion, Timmy, Sugar, Tumnus … I shot ’em all out and that’s my conclusion

when I see someone do finger pistols

i just wanna fcuk ’em up

AlMic: *Fingers Crossed (1 3p)*

1. Droppin’ a Hanky 04:28
2. Sinecure 05:59
3. Fingers Crossed 07:10

writrecordedmixtmas turdsequenced at Fetacentralrecordin g DDL by Vlayman in July-August, 2023.

Drums: gorgar
all else: Vlayman

Fartwerk: Jose Jones
Logo: grogar