Limited time TFP download jam 12-31-11

No edits, faders-up with a touch of compression on the tom (gated), snare (gated), kick, bass all into the R16.

Kick: E602
Snare: SM58
Tom: RE320
OH’s: SP C5’s
Rooms: MXL144 & ATR30
Bass: Alvarez

Jam Day

Onna better note, Krister and I hadda very productive recording session t’day, with multiple takes of  three new tunes recorded.

We done a cuppla things different:

1. I used a Alvarez bass w/ EMG’s DI’d into the R16;

2. We used the RE320 again on the floor tom/ride, but this time hung it pointing straight down and about a foot above the edge of the cymbal, right over the tom;

3. We used the SO C5’s as overheads again, but did the 90 degree X-Y thing.

Anywhat, Happy New Year!

Re: Morons and Thieves

So here’s the time-line, blow by blow:

So on the 21st I paid for a ISA One (US$310), delivery by the 30th.

On the 26th the seller messages, apologizes for the delay, and says he/she will put it in FedEx immediately.

To date there is still no FedEx info to the tracking number they posted, the package was not rec’d, and the seller is not communicating.

I note two complaints filed against the doosh on 12-24, also.

So, I guess tomorrow (or right after fookin’ midnight), I hafta file a complaint thru paypaL & Ebay.  censored

Dear mmmeeevvv,

I must sincerely apologize that you have not yet received your item.  I am just an individual, not a business, and this is my first time selling a few items on Ebay.  I just returned from vacation with my family late last night (Monday, I’m on CST) and I had left the items along with FedEx shipping labels at the office with instructions for my secretary to send them out.  My company has an account with FedEx and we have pre-printed shipping labels with tracking numbers, hence the tracking number that was previously provided.  Apparently lines were crossed and the items were not shipped.

I will PERSONALLY ship the ISA One out today as soon as I go into the office and I assure you they will be picked up by FedEx this afternoon.

Once again, I apologize for not getting the ISA One to you in the promised time and a lack of communication on my end.  I will make sure the tracking numbers are active when the item is picked up this afternoon.  Thank you.

– lyraltonay96
Dear lyraltonay96,

I understand the issue, but what is the story here?

Still no tracking info.

– mmmeeevvv
Dear lyraltonay96,

Please advise status.

Still no shipping information under that number.

– mmmeeevvv
Dear lyraltonay96,



– mmmeeevvv

Dear lyraltonay96,

You have had my money for a week, you promised [late] shipment again on the 26th, now you stop communicating.

I shall be filing a complaint if I do not hear from you by midnight; I note you have other subsequent complaints, also.

– mmmeeevvv
Dear mmmeeevvv,

I haven’t taken any of your money.  It has been held as “pending funds” by Paypal since you made payment.  Paypal holds payments for up to 21 days for some reason.  This is my first time selling anything on Ebay so I’m doing my best.  I got your sale confused with some earlier ones where funds had already cleared.  I expect your funds will be available by Monday at which point I will send out the item.  I live in southern Illinois so I doubt that it will take long to reach you.  By the way, the same thing happened with the person who purchased the laptop.  They made no attempt to contact me at all and instead left negative feedback.  I gave them a $100 refund and they received the item.


– lyraltonay96

Dear lyraltonay96,

Paypal says, “payment made” as of 12-22, THE DATE OF PURCHASE.

You promised, “delivery between 12-28 and 12-30.”  You NEXT apologized and claimed a problem with your secretary for not sending the item, and THEN promised you were sending the item out *personally* on 12-26.

Your “confusion” is not relevant, nor an excuse.

Further, I have posted *numerous* unresponded-to messages at you in this regard.

I do not know you, it’s not personal, but it is MY MONEY being spent;  I DID NOT AGREE to this delay and your Paypal issues are YOUR ISSUES.

You now advise that you have not yet even sent the item out – that is NOT keeping your prior promises, NOT our agreement, and NOT in keeping with Ebay’s policies.

Tomorrow I shall open the complaint process with Ebay as they have a step-by-step, dated progression.

If you are at all concerned with your “feedback” score, and avoiding ALL appropriate follow-up action on my part, my request and suggestion is that you arrange for delivery by Tuesday, which is still 3 days late due to YOUR failures to comply with this BUSINESS.

– mmmeeevvv


This is fun!  mad

On the Paypal site:

From Buyer – 12/30/2011 15:05 PST
Seller took money, claimed late shipment, gave invalid Fed Ex number, no communication, item not rec’d

From Seller – /30/2011 16:20 PST
I am waiting for the payment to clear and be available to me. I expect that to be Monday the 2nd at which point I will send the item out via FedEx.

From Seller – /30/2011 16:21 PST
I am waiting for the payment to clear and be available to me. I expect that to be Monday the 2nd at which point I will send the item out via FedEx.

From Buyer – /30/2011 18:06 PST
That is NOT the terms of sale. Receipt of item was DUE on 12-30. Seller has consistently made misrepresentations herein and violated all terms of the sale, ebay and Paypal. PAYMENT WAS MADE on sale date of 12-22; seller’s issues with Paypal are irrelevant to me, the buyer. I expect a VALID (and NOT fake as previously posted) FedEx shipment number by tomorrow, and receipt of item BY Jan. 3rd. I note that theft of over US$300 in Illinois is a FELONY.

12/31/2011 15:28 PST – PayPal: Buyer escalated this dispute to a Claim.
12/31/2011 15:28 PST – Buyer: Seller has: 1. provided fraudulent FedEx shipping number; 2. has changed story several times; 3. has failed to ship item; 4. has failed to keep his specific promise to send item on follow-up date; 5. has claimed to be holding item subject to PayPal release of funds I paid on 12-22 6. has incurred several other complaints (prior and subsequent) from other buyers and apparently failed to resolve same 7. was given a deadline to provide valid shipping number by this date and failed to do so
The seller has responded to our request for tracking information. We haven’t confirmed the tracking information yet but wanted to share it with you


Doosh gave the same FedEx Tracking No. as a week ago -still not validated!  censored

Free Time, and a Thief

Thief: Sitting here stewing as I think mebbe I got took on the evilBog – payed US$300 for a pre and didn’t get it.  Seller not responding to messages altho’ I am sure he got ’em as he made subsequent purchases. Here we go … 😦

So, “Free Time” is a new song started today on what I mixed down some excellent live drums from Krister and my shitty bass-track what I hadda go thru and edit because I have a half-step bend in the riff and didn’t always nail it.

Then I wrote the lyrics, sang ’em in one take (CAD M149-Eureka) except the damn furnace cut in on the last chorii so I hadda re-do them, then 6 passes at BV’s (MD421-Eureka), do a ruff mix and send to Grankie in Ye Merry Olde for his contrib what will include the new wah-wah he just got!  He has another choon, “Knee Trembler”, to what he has already given us horns and keys, and I await his guitar for, also.

Thinking I might get to a The Hungry Drunx tune, tomorrow?

Worked onna cuppla old pieces of equipment I had stuck in storage.  They were marketed by Fostek and are from its “Sideman” line.  I have a Comp-1 and a Para-Q units; I’m thinkin’ these could be funky effects, mebbe in parallel.  That aminds me; I need to fix my Rickenbacker M8E amp …

Also awaiting the publication of the Twentieth of The Month, 2011 compilation, what TFP was requested to and did agree to have a rare instrumental, “Poozle”, included onnit.

Finally, lookin’ forward to a TFP jam tomorrow; just bass and drums so far, but we can get some writing done.

Rackin’ Patches

So, whaddaya do with all yer patch-cords?  I mean, these things can drive ya nuts finding ’em, much less stepping onna 1/4″ jack while walking thru the bedio barefoot and drunk in the night.

I found this:


Racked and Loaded

Aiighty, I got the rack in and wired and it works.  Only prob I had was to have the ins reversed with the outs on the RNC – easily corrected.

Check the Slideshow for final photos.

And proof?

Give a listen here:

The Friday Project: For Our Next Trick

This track has Krister on Yamaha stage drums (kick: E603; Snare:SM58; FlTom: RE20; Room: MXL144; OH’s: SP C5’s) me on bass (P-R16), guitars (LP-Marshall-NOS ribbon-Summit) and lead voc (CAD M149-Eureka) and BV’s (MD421-Summit-RNC).

Plagerjism, homoage, fare-use and the lexluthercon

Credit where it’s due:


Bedio: n.,  of or having to do with the intentional creation and recording of musical sounds for publication from within one’s  bedroom, what location has been set up for said purpose, tho’ perhaps not to the exclusion (hopefully) of other purposes.

syn., Feta Central Recording, Drinks, Daycare and Laundry

ant., professional recording studio

origin, Dan “the choice voice” Barnes at, circa 2008

The Bedio’s Progress, or, How I Racked Up

Following is pix to show the progress of my reorganization of my bedio.  I hadda dig out all kinds patchcords, build a rack, dig out a cuppla snakes that one of which I hadda change 8 RCA plugs to 1/4″, and figure out how to run power.

I think it’s good, but I won’t power up now as it’s freakin’ Xmarse Eve and I gotta do summa that.

I also gotta ISA 1 on the way what I think will go on the right of the desk.

Anywhat, it’s the slow season at work so I’ll be fine-chooning this o’er the next week or so – I only hope I can get to recording soon!


Aiight, so I’m…

Aiight, so I’m gonna blog mostly about my experiences in recording music, with the occasional asinine aside, and lotsa bad schpelling and atrocious grammar, a potentially offensive amount of sexual innuendo – mostly non-PC – and rare but pithy political butt-nuggets.  Booze may also be a topic, but I will, as ever, only sarcastically refer to other drugs as I’ve no experience there whatsoever, or at least in forever, if ever I did.

FWIW, I’m a presence at (mmm) and (vvv).

And finally, I post tuneage at:

I’ll be back and babbling soon.